Sunday, February 12, 2012

freezing flour

Woke up this morning with the intent to make yeast rolls. I am having guests over for lunch after church today and wanted to get a head start on them since they take so long to rise. I used up my four and realized i had not put the new pack in the freezer. Not quite knowing why we put flour in the freezer, I began to open the bag. Cutting the red twine that held it together I kept seeing little black bugs. When the bag was completely opened I noticed along with the black bugs were little tan worm looking creatures. Appetizing huh!

Hmmm...maybe this is why we put flour in the freezer!

I decided my baking was going to take a little more work. I pulled out the sifter and got to work removing my little friends from my white flour. A little discussed, I sifted and dumped them in the sink. Some, however, remained. Deciding that they would be cooked in the oven...I moved on to finish baking my bread.

All this to thankful you don't have to freeze EVERYTHING and look before you eat!

1 comment:

  1. you are a brave girl! and BRAVO for baking anyway.... any "little friend" remains were surely turned to toast . . . . I wish I could visit with you and have some rolls :) Blessings - and love you!
