Friday, May 6, 2011

I'm in a different world now...

I thought I'd share some pretty funny things I have come in contact with in the last few days that have made me realize that I am "in a different world now".

While walking down the street I saw a little girl in super white shoes run to visit a friend. She yelled out "Hey, I got new shoes!". The little girl she was visiting yelled back, "I just took my malaria meds!".

A few nights ago I was invited to eat dinner at another teacher's house. She also invited a couple. The husband told me a story about when he was single. He had been watching a movie with a few others when they realized it was past the center curfew, 11:00 pm. They began to worry about how they would get home since none of them had a car and it was late. I thought to myself, "Wow, where else does a guy in his 30's NOT have a car and also WORRY about when he is out at night."

Last night my roommate and I had two families with little kids over for dinner. I was wondering what the kids would do since we don't have any toys, but they had no problem! They walked in and played for TWO HOURS with our two blankets. They became superheroes, babies, and so many other creative things. All that to say, missionary kids do not live on electronics. What a blessing!

Reading through "The Wycliffe International Cookbook" this morning I came across instructions for washing grains like rice and bean wheat. It said, "wash several times until the water runs clear. The chaff and the bugs will float and can be poured off." I laughed when I read BUGS! Only in a missionary cookbook.

Just thought I'd share. Hope you enjoy!

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