Thursday, June 23, 2011

Blasted Mosquito Nets!!

I am NOT a fan of Mosquito nets... though I respect the purpose of them.
How many times can a person get tangled up in the thing before they go CRAZY!

Pros and Cons of mosquito nets:


- The obvious, they keep mosquitoes from having a midnight snack...of you!

- They give you a "sleeping boundary"
- They allow you to sleep well at night when spending the night in a strange village


- I often found myself "forgetting" I was under one when I had to make a late night trip to the toilet, finding myself in a big mess! Amanda does not wake up easily.
- You have to find a place to hang it, from the bamboo woven wall, from some old rusty nail, on a chair...whatever works!

- You have to "arrange your bed" if you travel a lot so that the net can go up before the mosquitoes go in or come out. Putting up a net in the dark, is NOT fun!

- You must make sure it's tucked under the bedding ALL around the bed,'s ineffective.

- Even WITH a mosquito net you can still get pooped on from other creatures climbing on the walls (once woke up to a HUGE gecko just staring at me. I told him, "If you stay their and I stay here, we won't have a problem tonight." he didn't move, so neither did I!), hear the little devils flying around the net at night, may get bit if you lay against the net or leave a corner open!

Thus is why I entitled this...blasted mosquito nets!

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