Saturday, May 5, 2012

Lunch for my bunch

As a teacher you see many kinds of lunch. Over the years I have seen children eat strange things like marshmallows and balogne if I tried them they may be good...maybe. Here is a list of things my students have eaten over the past 10 months of school.
- butter and sprinkle sandwich
- uncookied 2 minute noodles with the flavor packet poured on top
- butter and passion fruit sandwich
- 4 donuts (which last for snack and lunch time)
- just crackers, 3 or 4 packets of crackers to cover both meals
- fried bananas
- the same lunch every day

I like variety and I am certainly not afriad of trying new things. While in the village I ate a variety of wild game, veggies I don't even know the name of, and sago (a slimy, starchy food sort of like jelly but with no flavor).

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