Sunday, January 16, 2011

Pushing on

Well hello again!
I am in the midst of the hustle and bustle of leaving, which has never been a favorite thing for me. It always amazes me how much STUFF I accumulate over the years. Not sure I would be considered a pack rat though for a time everything is important and sentimental. When it gets down to crunch time is suddenly starting looking more like JUNK than "treasure". All that to storage is shrinking and my trash cans are overflowing! haha.

It really is an emotional thing to leave a place. Someone asked my how I was feeling and I said "Depends on the hour!" Which is so true. A few days ago I was crying and frustrated because I couldn't figured out how to fill out retirement papers or how to even FIND it online. Not sure why people think online is the answer to all solutions! Not if you are computer-challenged. Yep, admit can be too! But hey, you found my blog so cutos for you! Yes, my emotions are all over the place. I remember when I graduated from high school (while we were in Papua New Guinea) I cried for the first time when I gave a little four year old a hug! never know when it will come. For those of you reading this, please don't be offended if I don't cry when I am with's hard for me to control when I am emotional, I will probably end up crying later. I still love you though!

I officially have 1 suitcase "packed". Yep, because that basically means the things are sitting in the suitcase...made me feel better. Lots to ship, that I will probably sort through a fourth time and lots to store.

In my devotions I have been reading about the Israelites. I started with Moses and moved on to Joshua. Today I read Judges 2-3 where the people have disobeyed God and are now going to live with the people they were suppose to destroy. It said "they will be thorns in your sides". I guess I wasn't so surprised that they disobeyed but more so that they walked away so quickly. It says in vrs. 10 "another generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel". Wow.

I share this with you because this actually encourages me. Weird, right. It encourages me that I am doing the right thing with my life. Missionaries are highly ex halted among believers even though they are still sinners. And their children, missionary kids, feel the pressure to be this Outstanding believer. I have seen many Mks rebel under this pressure. I am encouraged because of these things. One, I can be an example for them through the way I live my life and two, I can be there as they decide how they want to live their lives.

Well, back to packing! Thanks for following.

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