Thursday, November 29, 2012

Chocolate Banana Avocado Smoothie

Are you grossed out? Trust's delicious! You can't even taste the avocado, it just makes is super smooth and healthy!

My roommate tried one a while ago and decided we should makes some ourselves. So we did! I'm a fan!

The other day I felt so posh with my chocolate banana avocado smoothie in my Tervis Tumbler. I walked into school with pride (even though I was wearing an old meri blaus and my poor hair hadn't been cut in a while) and decided I would play a joke on my friend Melissa. She had made a comment earlier about how strange the smoothie sounded. I walked into her classroom and said, "Hey, you should try my shake. It's chocolate!" She took a sip and said, "Wow, that's sweet!". I burst out laughing and said, "You just drank avocado". hahaha...I love it!

All I'm saying is, don't diss it till you try it!


  1. Could you post the recipe if you're going to brag on it? It's not fair otherwise!

  2. Poor, poor Melissa. :) Fortunately I have not yet fallen for any such chicanery. (Of course, you *did* try to poison me with a peanut butter cookie that one time...)

  3. Yes, please post the recipe. I love the photograph :)
